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Creating BTC Key pair with ReactOS and Python 3 - 3 Jan 2020

If you decided to try out Bitcoin then you probably have asked yourself “but how do i create bitcoin wallet?” While yes as you probably tried to answer ti yourself, there are some services online where you could register your wallet. Honestly speaking this is not quite safe and secure, everything that relates to both internet and bitcoin keys in combination. So I’m gonna tell you partially how I did it offline.

Yes indeed bitcoin wallet can be created completely offline from “plain air”.

Thanks for this discovery to my friend from

In fact this is the preferred, secure way.

Actually most people recommend using Tails OS Live USB for creating key pairs. And after that to burn the flash drive used with Tesla Not a Flamethrower:)

Tails OS is “The amnesic incognito live system” - great system for anonimity and information security.

More at

I have nothing against Tails and you probably should use it, however here I will tell you how I did create my keys using ReactOS. Why and what is ReactOS?! More...


Well in my imagination based on what I read online, to get the same key generated (in hope to hijack someones account) one has to have same setup, so my decision on using ReactOS came directly as resolution of this. No-one ever in their sane mind would use ReactOS by the time of writing this post because it is alpha stage software, and not really usable in day to day use so no one would be able to pick same key.


ReactOS is a free and open-source operating system for amd64/i686 personal computers intended to be binary-compatible with computer programs and device drivers made for Windows Server 2003 and later versions of Windows.” - Wikipedia

I used virt-manager qemu Virtual Machine to install ReactOS. Installation is pretty straight-forward and simmilar to that of WindowsXP.

Because it is not complete yet, after installation it would ask to install few drivers but it will fail finding them online. I just cancelled them.

After that I opened the Application Manager and searched for Python 3.6. Installed it.

Since there is some issue where python installed doesn’t add python’s folder to PATH I just opened cmd.exe, changed directory to C:/Python36/Scripts and ran pip.exe to install needed libraries base58 ecdsa

pip.exe install base58 ecdsa

and then you need to write this little python program in notepad from Here… (reddit)

and then change directory to C:/Python36/ and run

python.exe <path to file you typed>

(instead of typing path by hand, you can just drop file inside the cmd widow to insert it)

There you go it shall generate both public and private key. Now you can run this few times and generate key you would like. After that important part is to save both keys, public key can be shared online but private should be hidden. Saving private key digitally is really bad practice so idk. Write it on paper or something:)

Thanks for reading my blog post!

Setting up on-the-go development environment - 14 Oct 2019

using power of *nix, ssh and editor such as vim or nano

At this very day and age everyone has powerfull computers in their pockets, namely mobile devices powered by Android or iOS. That said, being powerfull doesn't exactly mean that you can use them alone as a development platform. Some could argue with this, but the standard Android shell,for instance, lacks compilers and it's implementation of Java virtual machine is quite limited, it has no way to compile Java source program IIRC. That's exactly why we need a PC with Android Studio installed to compile applications for them.

However one can use his mobile device as a sole interface to a machine (a PC or a workstation) using SecureShell. For this you would need to install ssh on both the workstation and a mobile device.
On mobile devices there are a lot of tools now created for system administrators which can be used to manage PCs by utilizing ssh such as Termius, Termux and many others. I myself have used both, but prefer Termux as it also allows me to manage my phone.
Now next thing is to set up your favourite editors on your development machine. In my instance i was playing with Java so i set up vim with a nice dark color scheme, used javacomplete plug-in which allowed me to have some autocompletion like you would get on any moder IDE and of course i downloaded OpeJDK on my PC to be able to build and run my Java programs.

This is how it looked

Screenshot of my Android phone running Termux and me being connected via
			ssh to the PC and editing Java file in vim editor with color scheme and
			javacomplete autocomplete plug-in

Later i discovered there is a more powerfull javacomplete plug-in vim-javacomplete2 which has a much more refined autocomplete system and code templates and other nitty features, however thing to consider is that your vim editor has to be compiled with scripting languages support (python support)

There are also other powerfull tools and plug-ins:
and much more

Now obviously you would also need to connect to your PC and in the local network it's easy, but if you want to write things in ouside. For that you would have to expose your PC to the network. Which you could do in several ways like:
*Port Forwarding
*Using Ngrok

I used last option, and while it can be not too secure, it is easier to use

That's it really, Happy Hacking on the go!